Friday, 20 October 2017
7pm–open end, free entry
Stadtgarten, Köln
An adventure in Afrodiasporic Postpunk, Iranian Leftfield Techno, Contemporary Modern Jazz, Psychedelic Kraut Improv, Avantgarde Electronics, Contemporary Arabic Music, Comicbook Song, Epic Collage, Frontier Ambient and Guerilla Spatialization. More than 20 artists, bands and djs present a mind-boggling variety of fringe music at Cologne’s premier jazz and experimental music venue.
7000 Eichen (Cologne)
Butcher/Lehn/Shipp (London, Vienna, NYC)
Dedekind Cut (NON, New York City)
Elysia Crampton (USA)
ER &WE (Baustelle Kalk, Cologne)
Farai (NON, NTS, London)
Ganzfeld | Audio Spatialization (Berlin)
Going (Brussels)
Mustafa Said (Cairo, Beirut)
MK Braun & DJ Money (Cologne Sessions I Cologne)
Pablo Giw & Kelvin Kilonzo (Cologne)
Philm (Berlin)
Rabih Beaini (Morphine I Berlin, Beirut)
Reggie Wilson | Performance (New York City)
Sidsel Endersen & Stian Westerhus (Oslo)
Sote (Opal Tapes, Tehran)
UMMN (Cologne)
Weiße Wände feat. Christian Lillinger | Tagtool Visuals (Vienna)
Presented by Reconstructing Song, Cologne Sessions and Sounds Wrong, Feels Right